In this busy season of Christmas, I took a few weeks off sculpting to free up time for shopping and a multitude of festive activities. Now I'm back at it.
The legs and feet were completed except for minor touch ups and so were the arms and hands.
During these final stages I often had flash-back memories of events that happened along the way. While applying a thin layer of Winterstone icing to the crown I recalled Evan Lew telling me about a big problem with the crown's prongs. The memory made me smile.
While applying a thin-as-skin layer of icing to the princess' face to cover small blemishes I recalled Peyton Clarke's natural abilities smoothing the clay with her finger tips. She, along with many other helpers demonstrated amazing artistic abilities. I smiled again.
As I looked at the shortening list of things to do, I see the end in sight. I contacted Kitty Pope at the Library to pick an unveiling date. We tentatively picked February 19th at 5:00, just before a board meeting. The media will be invited along with some special guests. I hope that all of the volunteers who helped build the Paper Bag Princess sculpture can join us for the unveiling. We will send each of them an invitation once the details are settled.