It's difficult to see the proposal in this sketch due to the light lead in the pencil. Lesson learned. Future sketches should be made with dark lead or ink.

I have never painted a sculpture before but recall how often children asked about it when building the Paper Bag Princess sculpture. This was an ideal opportunity to give it a try.
We all know that huskies are coloured grey and white... or is that black and grey and white? And we all know that the face is white and the back is dark but exactly where is the transition? To learn about a husky's appearance I decided to paint an acrylic picture of one using a YouTube video as teacher.

We scheduled a day for the We to Me Group at Heritage Glen to paint the sculpture but I wanted to make sure that it would be successful. I made a small disc of Winterstone covered wire mesh for test painting. I wanted to make sure that the acrylic paint I bought would adhere properly and that my colour scheme worked.