This picture shows the arched back, providing upward action in the sculpture.
One other event that I forgot to mention earlier... when I picked up Celebration to carry her out to the the garage for sealing, she spun in my arms due to my misjudging her weight distribution. I heard a snap. A quick inspection couldn't find any problems so I continued as planned. While painting the sealer on I noticed a hairline crack around the base of one arm. The fragility of stone is a curse that I have learned to live with through the years. Many pieces develop flaws... but I no longer think of them as flaws. I see them as character, features that make the sculpture real rather than an artificial image of perfection. Like people, we all have our scars and blemishes that help define who we are and how we got here.

Celebration fits in quite nicely with the other scuptures in our living room. If the GYMC ever decides to give her back, she's very welcome.

Here I am standing beside Celebration.
Shortly after this I carried her out to the car and put her in the passenger seat (reclined). She was almost too long to fit and there wasn't enough room for the base too so I had to make two car trips to the GYMC to set her up. I set Celebration up in the performance room and loosely draped a white tablecloth over her to hide her. The unveiling will take place at the Gala tomorrow evening then I'll stop by some later date to move her to her final home on the stair landing.

A proud artist.